Whitnage Methodist Church

The Methodist Chapel at Whitnage was opened in 1888.

Whitnage Methodist Chapel



The following is a modified extract from The Western Times Exeter dated Tuesday October 16 1888, and relates to the new Methodist Chapel at Whitnage.

Laying Memorial Stones for Wesleyan Church 1888

“On Thursday at Whitnage, in the parish of Uplowman, memorial stones of a new Wesleyan Chapel were laid by friends of the Tiverton circuit.  The need for the building has become more and more pressing since, two or three years ago, the Wesleyans got together a congregation by holding open air services during the summer months, and cottage services in the winter. This mode of worship has continued up to the present, when it was thought that the need for a chapel could be no longer overlooked.  The land on which the building is to be raised is leased to trustees for 600 years by the owner, Mr J Pope, of Exeter, who has fixed the rental at the nominal figure of 3s per annum.

The plans, which provide for accommodating 100 persons, were prepared  gratuitously by Mr Moses Rutley, of Cullompton, the building contract, the figure of which £185, being entrusted to Mr Labdon of the same town.  The total outlay is  stimated at £230, towards which several sums were on Thursday announced.  The present proposal, however, is to pay off the greater part of the liabilities and allow a small debt to remain on the building.

Thursday’s proceedings were attended by a large number of friends from the surrounding district, and were of an interesting nature.  Five distict memorial stones, besides a few bricks, were paid.  This ceremony was preceded by singing and prayer, and the reading of a chapter of Scripture by the Rev. G H Weston, junior circuit minister (Cullompton).

The stones were laid by Mrs Littlejohn, of Exeter, Mrs M Rutley,  Mr A Gregory, of Tiverton,  followed by the Rev. T T Dilke laying the fourth on behalf of Mr J Caudwell, FRSI, of London, who was prevented by sickness from attending and the fifth stone was laid by Mr FW Taudevin, of Sampford Peverell.

Then followed the laying of several memorial blocks by Mrs Cleminson, Mrs Harris, Mrs Tooze, and Mrs Nichols (of Halberton), Mrs Churchill (of Sampford Peverell), and a few by some younger friends. The ceremony concluded, tea was partaken of in a house kindly lent by Mr Robert Pearse. The collections of the day were devoted to the building fund.

Prior to the war it was a very active Church, with a Sunday School.

It is reported that:

Methodist Sunday school anniversary 1935

“At the Methodist Church, successful Sunday School anniversary services were held on Sunday.  The weather cleared in the afternoon, and there were very good attendances. Continuing the celebrations on Monday, the weather was wet, and far from pleasant, but a cheerful company sat down to tea, ably served by Mrs Dallyn, assisted by Miss Thomas and Mrs Palk.

Exeter & Plymouth Gazette  21 June 1935


In 1936 the Methodist church was renovated and reopened

The report (abbreviated) from The Western Times dated  June 12 1936 said:

“In a newly renovated building, straight from the hands of the decorators, the supporters of Methodism in the district met for praise and rejoicing in the little church at Whitnage, Uplowman, recently.

At a cost of about £15 a thorough overhaul has been made.  This sum may appear small, but taking into account the small community with whom the responsibility lies they are to be congratulated upon the fact that over £12 has been raised towards this total.

During this period of renovation services have been carried on as usual at Lock’s Farm, next door, by the kindness of Mr & Mrs Lock who also placed their rooms at the company’s disposal for tea, which was served by the ladies of the church.

Previous to this the reopening service was conducted by the Superintendent (Rev. SR Hicks). The speakers included Mr C Manning (of Tiverton) who said he was delighted to take part in the service because he had been privileged to preach in the open air in Uplowman before the chapel was built 48 years ago, and when winter came on they were given accommodation up at Greengate.”


Unfortunately the congregation numbers dwindled and the chapel was closed around 2000 and was eventually sold to a local resident.

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