Newspaper stories about the Redwoods

Mrs Redwood fined for throwing beer at William Parr 1861

At the petty sessions in Tiverton “Mrs Redwood, wife of the landlord of a public-house at Uplowman Cross, was summoned by William Parr, of Uplowman, for throwing a quantity of beer in his face, at the inn, on Sunday last. – She admitted the charge and was fined 15s. including costs. “

Woolmers Plymouth & Exeter Gazette – 1 November 1861

Mary Ann Redwood summoned at Petty sessions 1864

At the divisional petty sessions in February 1864 “Mary Ann Redwood, innkeeper, of Uplowman, was also summoned for using a measure not equal to the standard.  Fined 1s and costs.”

The Western Times – February 26 1864

Redwoods landlord fined for being drunk – 1895

At the Tiverton District Sessions in 1895 “Frank Taylor, occupier of Redwoods Inn, Uplowman, was summoned for being drunk on those premises 9th October. – Mr  Arton, on behalf of the defendant, pleaded guilty, and said defendant had the drink at the ploughing match. – Ordered to pay the costs 10s and no conviction recorded.”

The Western Times  -16 October 1895

Henry Redwood fined for the irregular attendance of children at school –  1891

At the Tiverton County Petty sessions under Educational Cases, “The following fines were inflicted for the irregular attendance of children at school: Henry Redwood, journeyman carpenter, Uplowman, 2s 6d.”

The Devon & Exeter Daily Gazette – June 19, 1891

Objection to renewal of Licence -1891

At the Brewster Sessions at Tiverton there was an objection to the renewal of the Redwoods licence.

“Superintendent Collins had no objection to raise to the renewal of any licences. Mr C Marshall-Hole, on behalf of parishioners of Uplowman, near Tiverton, objected to the renewal of the licence of the Redwoods Inn, Uplowman, on the following grounds:-1; that the inn is not necessary for the inhabitants, and is not required by them; 2; that the business of the inn has not been conducted in a proper manner; 3; that John  Hussey, the licencee, has been on several occasions – viz., on July 28th 1874; on
September 14th 1889; and July 28th 1890, summoned and convicted for  misconducting the house; 4; that no police constable is stationed in the parish.

A memorial was presented in support of the objection. It set out that the petitioners considered that a fitting opportunity to seriously represent to the magistrates that a great deal of drunkenness prevails at Uplowman, which can be directly traced to the existence of Redwoods Inn, which is situated in an isolated position, and is the cause of grievous harm and impoverishment to the working classes, as well as an annoyance to many of the residents of the parish.  It was signed by the Rector Rev. H Mooraart, the churchwardens, and seventy of the leading residents in the parish.

Mr J A Thorne, barrister, supported the application for the renewal which was made by the Tiverton and Devonport Brewery Company.

The Rev. Mooraart went in to the witness box and stated that there was no necessity for the inn in question; and generally bore out the grounds of objection. Cross examined: He has not seen a great deal of drunkenness as the result of the existence of the Redwoods Inn, but had heard that there was.  Asked if it was charitable for a minister of religion to rake up an offence which was committed by a man 17 years ago, witness said he did not object to the man but the house. He knew that the agricultural labourers could get sufficient drink at the farms without going to the inn.

Several others also objected.

Mr Thorne said Mr Hussey, the man objected to, had practically given up the house, although he had not left it, and a man named James had become the landlord. The brewery company were prepared to accept a six day licence if they could not get a seven day one. The public house was required, the nearest one to it being a mile off. James, the new man, bore an excellent character, and had received a testimonial from the rector of the parish.

After other evidence had been received the magistrates said they did not object to the renewal of the licence, but James could not be accepted as the tenant. Subsequently James gave an undertaking to devote the whole of his time to management of the inn, and then he was accepted.  Only a six day licence was granted.”

Exeter Flying Post – September 12 1891

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