1919 -stained glass window or clock debate

Uplowman War memorial: Stained glass windows stands in way of public clock at Church -1919

“At a parishioners meeting, following the election of Parish Council, Mr C W
Rabjohns endeavored to reopen the question of the form of the war memorial at Uplowman should take. He said at the former meeting this year they were misled as to the cost of a clock for the church tower, which led many who would have supported that proposal to vote for the vicar’s suggestion of a stained glass window.he, Mr Rabjohn had ascertained from an Exeter firm that the cost of a clock would only be about £110, whereas the figure previously quoted by the vicar was £400 or more. If it was decided to have a clock he, Mr Rabjohn would give £20 towards it and do all the necessary hauling; and he would also give a piece of ground 150ft long and 50ft wide for the extension of the churchyard –applause!

The vicar (Rev. H Germon) said the parish had practically unanimously decided on a stained glass window and tablet, some of the money had been collected for that object and he could not allow the question to be reopened.

Mr Rabjohns said the window question had been granted.  A clock would be a benefit to the whole neighbourhood.

Mr Chave said the position of the church tower was rather bad for a clock.

The vicar said it stands far back from the road and is hidden by trees.

Mr Rabjohns said nearly all the parish could hear the clock strike.

The vicar said they could not satisfy all in a matter like this.

A parishioner said the church was dark enough as it was and would be further darkened by another stained glass window.

Mr Rabjohns: We were misled as to the cost of a clock.”

Western Times  -1919 Friday March 21

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